
Monday, January 14, 2008

Link to a forum : Yahoo Domain, having problems

Dec 19 2005

First comment from this forum :

"A while back I got the domain name with yahoo. I bought and setup the domain to be forwarded to some webspace my ISP gives me and then I loged out.

I recently wanted to changed it from being forwarded to my webspace to a server I had setup localy.
I find out I cannot login, I knew I did not have any email from yahoo when I made the account so I knew something was up. I tried doing a password recovery but it told me my account has been diactivated noexpression.gif
I was really wondering why I did not get a single email from yahoo, I did a Whois lookup on my domain and the email address is insted of

I go and try and sign up again to see why I might of miss typed my email and it only asks for your email once no confirmation noexpression.gif. I always type my email right and the confirimation usualy just bugs me if anything but everyone has it.

Now I have no idea how to get into my setup for the domain because my account is diactivated because of my never confirming it because I had a typo on my email. I have looked all over their site for a phone # to contact to get this fixed and cannot find one only ones about sales noexpression.gif. All the Q and A on the website tells me retarted info like "passwords are case sensitive please rember that when entering your password". That's not exactly what it said but useless help info for me. I have e-mailed them and I get the Q and A copied and pasted into an email noexpression.gif.

Please help me out if you have any ideas to get my account back or even get yahoo to remove my domain so I can register it with someone else. A good phone # to conatact yahoo would be great. Thank you!"

see this forum at :

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Link to a forum : Yahoo's domain name offer

01-14-2007 (7 posts)

First comment from this forum :

Little do we know that Yahoo comes up with a regular $1.99 domain name promo regularly. If you pay via credit card, there is service fee of around $1 I think. But that is still cheap compared to the prevailing domain rate."

see this forum at :

Link to a forum : Yahoo Domain Warning

Sep. 28 2006 (12 posts)

First comment from this forum :

" I am writing this in the hope that this will help others not get in the same jam that I did.. I took Yahoo up almost a year ago on getting a domain for $ 2.99. I thought I would grab my name and start building my business. That saying that you get what you pay for sure applies. I was never able to get to the 'control panel' but figured that at least I had it and that when the time was right I would start building my web site.
About a month ago since my domain expires Oct 11th I looked for a way to make sure that they wouldn't renew it. I sent them countless emails with no answer. When I followed their tutorials they said in order to close out your small business account to go to control panel and follow their instruction. This was not an option since I have never been able to access that.
After further investigation I found out that when you get a domain it is sent to Australia. Google's groups is full of lot's of people that have had the same experience as me.
Today I found out that they were trying to debit my checking for $ 9.95 for another year. No warning or emails at all.
Since a lot of us are just starting here that amount may not sound like much but they have no right to take our money. Any other bills we have we at least get a warning that our account will be debited. If I hadn't caught this I could have had an overdraft as I was not expecting this.
I feel if they are to offer this service than you should stand behind it. There newest feature is that you can talk to someone live to answer your question for the price of only $ 24.95. If they can't solve your problem they said then it is free.
Thankfully I have found someone reliable and have a domain and will be building a web site soon. Stick with the pros.
I hope this helps someone else before they get caught.

see this forum at :

Link to a forum : Be careful with YAHOO DOMAIN.. they are cheating!!!

Oct 27th, 2005 (21 posts)

First comment from this forum :

Hi everybody,

Please be careful when you purchase a NEW DOMAIN from YAHOO. On their small business and Domain sale place they announced that there is 24 hours technical support but sorry to say that there is no any help from them.

Here is my problem, recently I bought a Domain Name from Yahoo, but I cannot access by Domain Control Panel. I can see my domain has been registered in, I send yahoo Domain Tech Guys so many emails, no any response (and all they have is bullshit online form, which I think they never look at) After long struggle, I managed to find their phone number (USA) and called them, but again same *******-- voice mail at other side.

I am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but there is no any local support in this region.

so BECAREFUL guys!!"

see this forum at :